
NEW LAUNCH NOTIFICATION: Order our exquisite Ram Lalla (999.9 purity) 50 gm Silver Bar today. | SPECIAL FESTIVE PRICES: Get best rates on selected Gold Coins and bars. | MMTC-PAMP has been awarded by the "India Book of Records" as the only refinery with gold and silver coins/ bars of the highest, 999.9+ purity in India. DISPATCH NOTIFICATION: We've recieved overwhelming response on our newly launched Ram Lalla silver Bar, you may expect the order to reach you a little later than anticipated. Thanks for your patience.



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5000 - 10000
10000 - 20000
20000 - 30000
30000 - 40000
40000 - 50000
50000 and more
1 gm
2 gm
5 gm
10 gm & above
20 gm
31.1 gm
50 gm
100 gm & above